Sandra Dewi Pacaran dengan Donnie Ada Band

Sandra Dewi

Sandra Dewi figure is nearly perfect in the eyes opposite type. But unfortunately, until now the sinetron Cinta Indah still Singles. Issues associated with the proximity Donnie Sibarani have Band vocalist, Sandra Dewi refuse if he has a special relationship with a former paramour Tessa Kaunang.

Sandra is not without reason are reluctant to establish links. "If I have not been to court now because I would not want to court-ending," said Sandra.

Sandra met with Donnie was to prepare a social cooperation. Top of interest, the Ada Band with Sandra will sing songs Pusaka Indonesia. This is the moment that both are often met.

According to rumor, the issue of proximity of Sandra and Donny only to deliberately push up the track. Is correct that?

"Wow, that's not true. Here I want to prove that the name of the band have emerged because of our work. That makes us a great name. Not because the gossip," argue Donny.

Although the claim to only close a job, Sandra and Donny each other to praise each other.
"I see Sandra good, fair, firm, and discipline," praised Donny.