Anang Hermansyah: I Must Find New Wife(cari istri baru)Anang Hermansyah: I Must Find New Wife
Released an album in the middle of the tempest lashed households could be an 'escape' the dilakoni by Anang Hermansyah. However, the man who has officially divorce by the religion itself with Sam Milby feels life must go on, and make sure if he will seek a replacement later KD.
"Yes I have to do that, I had to find a new wife. Do not be cured, life must continue to be lived," said a former retainer of the band's Kidnap.
Anang also admitted, if the problems it faces in the fabric of marriage has indeed been a long time. Until he admitted feeling must end now.
"So yesterday's problem is the peak of the previous problems, and I'd had enough. My mother had already said 'is le, pretty-pretty, she also feels, quite le'," he said imitating his mother's advice.
Anang also admitted, if the problems it faces in the fabric of marriage has indeed been a long time. Until he admitted feeling must end now.
"So yesterday's problem is the peak of the previous problems, and I'd had enough. My mother had already said 'is le, pretty-pretty, she also feels, quite le'," he said imitating his mother's advice.
"It certainly makes no difference (when first duet with KD) and was more comfortable alone, can be free. If I want to tell ya pretty (spoke to one woman reporter who interviewed him, red) it does not matter. But if there Yanti (call KD , red) I can not not talk like that, because I have a wife, "he explained to the comparison.
Mentioned about the involvement or support of the two hearts, Titania Aurelie Nurhermansyah and Azriel Akbar Hermansyah, Anang affirmed, if because they are so excited he was in work.
"Yes, they are ordered in a hurry to keluarin album. To be sure, this album makes me glad," he said with a smile.
Meanwhile, ANANG album itself contains 6 songs,Separuh Jiwaku Pergi (single pertama), Belajarlah Untuk Cinta, Hujan Pun Menangis, Sakit, Bila Cinta Tak Dosa, serta Hidup Ini Rahasia..