Ussy Sulistyawati must swallow bitter pill.
The rumor is pregnant and have a child with the young Stars Andhika Pratama.
This is evident at the launch of the latest movie Andhika Parama, Ussy accompany Andhika come. "We are close, we are a fluke of Management. Album launch Ussy time I come. Yes one is one of support, while Andika clearly found in Blitzmegaplex, Pacific Place, Jakarta, Jumat (23/1/2009).
"There is news in the infotainment if I am pregnant and already married with a series Andhika. Then I be married without the blessing of parents. That's all not true," said Ussy when found at the meet the press together with Andhika Pratama Adrie Subono in residence at Jl Metro Parks Nature, Pondok Indah, Jakarta Selatan, Sabtu (1/8/2009).
Ussy Andhika confess and disappointed with the weight of one of these impressions infotainment. According to both the narrative form of news broadcast untrue.
"I Ussy and very very disappointed. Because there is no news interviews and any statements from us both. But suddenly the news already have a marriage with a series I Ussy Sulistiawaty," Andhika said.