Though his relationship with a businessman named new Rully Johan matter of months, said Terry Putri solid anchoring heart to the Padang man. In between busy as a presenter and pesinetron, the virgin birth of Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan, December 1, 1979, is busy preparing the wedding planned for next year. "the relationship was just a matter of months, but long familiar, is an annual," she said.
Soap star's Mermaid 2 said, his acquaintance with Rully happening on the basketball court. Terry guiding a basketball game, held a cell phone providers have to face a series of protests filed Rully, one of the players. "As an MC, I'm the one who delivered her protest to the committee. From there, we know and close. But, just now relationship," she said.
However, Terry was still reluctant to give out the date of marriage must be. What is clear, says Terry, now she and her boyfriend began to prepare all things related to that happy day. The plan was enthusiastically welcomed, of course, the mother, Tiny Yusrip, who has long hoped Terry rose wedding. "It's been five years ago parents told me married," she added.
Some preparations they are doing. Starting from photographs prewedding to prepare the trousseau. "I've got a suit from two months ago," said Terry, in a conversation some time ago.
Terry entrust the design trousseau Yohannes Bridal. He chose to design a modern kebaya. White kebaya with a simple design for the covenant and a bit glamorous reception.
Kebaya designs for reception combining fabrics with batik kebaya. "But tetep sexy and glamorous, red combination of maroon and gold," he said. "The price of millions with a 50 percent discount."
While he did prewedding photos in two locations. Outdoor photos they do in the area of Sunda Kelapa, while taking pictures in the living done in the area of Gadjah Mada.