Yuni Shara and Raffi Achmad tell in the series has been married three days ago. Are they married after returning from Raffi Umroh worship?
"That since the divorce with a bang I Hendri, I have never been to weddings with anyone, and the form of betel marriage or marriage official marriage let alone series have a life I do I only bang with Hendri that time, although there are things that we should hide that time. religious differences and others, "said Yuni.
Post Umroh, Raffi Ahmad has been made with married Yuni Shara. When the truth about the news is confirmed, the mother of two children directly. "that's not true, does not have that. I have the same relationship Umroh marriage. This is pure worship just like, "Yuni argue. According to the sister of Velasquez, he was not yet time to end the period lonley. To confess at this time Yuni are enjoying time together with the man who is 19 years old. "I just have to get married. So chill out no need to hurry, "he said. Not only is the younger brother Krisdayanti also support the option to be engaged with the man who is much younger. "I like Yuni interact with anyone, as long as he can keep up the good," said KD. According to KD, together with anyone Yuni is due to choose.