Daisy Fajarina, Manohara Odelia Pinot Mom increasingly complex. Can not be long he will serve a sentence 18 months confinement in prison in France, over allegations of violence and sexual harassment against former pembantunya, Shaliha Lanti. Living in detention awaiting extradition process Daisy is Napoleon to the country.
"Red notice has been received years ago, when Daisy fled. If they already have a decision they will move " Ratna said.
According to the Interpol Ratna Sarumpaet Indonesia have found the two-way communication with Interpol France.
"In the case of Daisy lived just waiting extradition. Need attention and care to the problem. We're Fatwa Supreme Court to wait and talk with the President. Indonesia has no official rules on extradition with France. Indonesia need more concrete. Must have letters which was, technically, should be equipped. "Said Ratna further.
At the same time Ratna recommend Daisy to go to France, to serve a sentence 18 months in prison.
"Go just punishment., Only 18 months! after that Daisy can be a respectable person. Go to France!''She said